Post Job

We publish all latest casting call and acting audition updates, print / modeling jobs, events, private works, full time / part time jobs, acting workshop and many other related opportunities.

Free posting:

Yes, it’s free. We don’t charge anything to publish your requirement of acting auditions and casting calls, modeling work and above mentioned jobs on our website.

Please WhatsApp the details on +917021317366 (please save as ‘Jobs and Auditions’) or mail on We will publish it and send you the link.

Paid posting (Premium Job Listing): 

Benefits of our paid posting scheme are as follows.

  1. Publication on the home page of the website (Until the contract ends)
  2. Marketing on our own social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram)
  3. Mail to all our subscribers
  4. Lifetime validity of your requirement
  5. Do-follow link to your studio website

For paid posting (premium listing), kindly send mail on